Transamerica Corridor

More than a highway. A versatile, multi-faceted, environmentally friendly transportation corridor that will impact tomorrow.

More than a highway. A versatile, multi-faceted, environmentally friendly transportation corridor that will impact tomorrow.

Setting a
New Standard for Transportation

As America continues to grow, so, too, do our needs for convenient and reliable transportation avenues. However, those needs have grown beyond transporting people—freight, water, and even energy must also be transported farther and faster than ever before. Our outdated interstate highway system can no longer handle the load.

America is desperately in need of a new transportation corridor to fit the needs of the 21st century. The Transamerica Corridor is the solution. It’s not a highway. It’s a multi-faceted corridor that will set the new standard for how we transport people, freight, and even energy from coast to coast with minimal environmental impact. The corridor will provide jobs, modern transportation, and better infrastructure on both local and nationwide levels.

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The New
Mother Road

The Transamerica Corridor incorporates five major elements, including high speed freight rail, intelligent highway design, an electrical transmission conduit utilizing green technologies, a natural gas pipeline, and a water pipeline to serve arid areas of the southwestern United States. As the spine of the new standard of transportation, the Transamerica Corridor will redefine how we move people, goods, and resources both across the country and around the world while minimizing damage to the environment.

North American Supergrid

An underground electrical conduit for western wind and solar energy that would achieve an 80% reduction in power-sector carbon emissions and also bring about the added benefit of protecting the outdated electric grid for the entire United States.

High-Speed Freight Rail

A high-speed freight rail system would assist in opening up new ports and would move freight from the current port system into the United States at much more rapid speeds.

21st Century Highway Corridor

A new highway corridor would have the benefit of helping the nation adjust to driverless cars and trucks at significantly lower costs than modifying our present highway system.

Natural Gas Pipeline

A natural gas transmission pipeline would allow the nation to market worldwide natural gas products, alleviating tensions between governments and reducing air pollution.

Water and Other Resource Pipeline

A resource pipeline, such as water and broadband, would open up significant parts of the western United States for development, which would eliminate overcrowding as our population grows on each coast.

Connecting Country and Globe

The Transamerica Corridor won’t just connect our east and west coast. It will also connect the European and Asian Rim markets, creating more opportunities for global trade and transport.

What is the
Transamerica Corridor?

America is desperately in need of a new transportation corridor to fit the needs of the 21st century. Since the last major infrastructure program was developed, the population of this country has more than doubled, and the increase of imports and exports has been dramatic. Yet, we still have the same inadequate railroad corridors that were developed in the 19th century and the same interstate system that was developed during the 1950s.

In addition to transportation infrastructure needs, America needs to move from a state of energy dependence to a state of energy independence. Utilizing renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power, as well as the latest technological advances in energy generation and transmission to their fullest potential is vital to our pursuit of energy independence.

Finally, vast areas of the American west and southwest are subject to severe drought. As a result, the ability of these regions to continue to grow and prosper is severely limited. A water pipeline system that utilizes vast aquifers and ample rivers in the midwest and eastern United States to transport water to the southwest will open these areas to incredible growth and economic development opportunities.

Build the Corridor Here?

  • Building a new corridor will be more economical, more efficient, and create greater impact than attempting to retrofit an already-existing corridor.
  • It will serve the largest north-south gap between already-existing east-west corridors in the country.
  • It will serve as a release valve for other, already-congested corridors.
  • It will relieve an underserved market, whereas building farther north or south will be wasted on areas of the country that already have adequate access to east-west corridors.

Benefits from the Corridor?

  • Local travelers gain access to the rest of the country without a significant trek north or south for access to major corridors.
  • Travelers nationwide will experience less traffic and safer roadways as the new corridor relieves congestion.
  • The local economy will see an influx of cash from construction of the corridor, as well as from travelers and surrounding new development once the corridor is complete.
  • The entire nation can benefit from new, state-of-the-art infrastructure for better transportation of people, goods, and resources.

Our Commitment:
Supporting Clean Energy

We have many aspirational ideas about the future of energy in the country. How about one that makes sense and works?

The Transamerica Corridor’s underground electrical current will transport electricity generated by west coast wind and solar, and can potentially support electric trucks and trains powered by wind and solar. The Corridor’s right-of-way will also allow room for construction and placement of new solar panels and wind turbines to further fuel our clean energy future.


Several revenue sources may be utilized to provide funding for this 21st century solution. Estimates show that trillions of dollars in overseas profits are held by United States multi-national companies. In the past, tax exemptions have been offered in an effort to repatriate these monies. Additionally, efforts such as Build America Bonds have been very successful in encouraging investment in infrastructure projects. A marriage of these efforts whereby exemptions are allowed for the repatriation of foreign profits that are invested in vehicles such as Build America Bonds could provide a stable source of revenue for construction of projects such as the Transamerica Corridor. Also, private enterprise such as companies involved in railroads, electric, gas, and water pipelines, as well as those operating recharging stations for electric vehicles.

The President’s budget called for a robust investment in transportation infrastructure. Included in the budget was the establishment of a National Transportation Bank. As a multi-state mega-project, the Transamerica Corridor Project is the perfect pilot project for this funding category, and is already listed at #3 on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s list of High Priority Corridors.

Additional Opportunites

In addition to the efficiencies realized from effective transportation infrastructure, opportunities exist to create a 50-mile wide foreign trade zone along the corridor, allowing for increased economic development along the route through the location of final assembly plants. Specialized work rules in the corridor could provide further opportunities for pro-active labor/employer relationships to maximize production, job creation, and economic growth.


A well thought-out and developed national corridor constructed in the early years of the 21st century would do much to improve our country. The Transamerica Corridor has significant benefits for our country and the world as a whole, and should become a major part of our strategy for national development in future years.

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